martes, 1 de enero de 2019

Blog 9: Changes that could be made to my study programme

Well, today we’re going to talk about what I would like to change in my programme.

I think that my program it’s ok, but I think that I would like to have some subjects related at my career. I mean, I know that if we are studying engineering we need more calculus or math more than other students, but it gets boring when it’s only science and nothing else.

In my career, food engineering, we have basic science in first year and in second year we have same subject as other careers, but we have third calculus. But I think that it’s so much science and things not related for our career, I would like to have more things like how to produce some food, things we need to know about economy or industrial things, things that we could use in our future and makes us to thinks what we would do in some cases, what we would do for climatic change for example.

I think that infrastructure it’s ok, I would like to have more green areas but it’s ok by now. Maybe I would like to have a diner and no go to eat to odontology faculty, or have more computers, I think that we need more computers and spaces for study, our library it’s always full of people and we don’t have where we could study, so that’s I would like to change.

I think that the most important thing that I would like to change it’s the teaching method of some teachers. I think that it’s important that teachers take classes on how to be good teachers, I mean that they could take care about what they are teaching or how they are teaching, many professors don’t know and don’t care it about.

So that’s what I would like to change.

lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2018

Blog 8: Personal opinions

This blog is going to be about 4 personal opinions that I have of some topics, so here we go.

Imagen relacionadaWell, I think that recycling it’s something very important that everyone needs to do, because climatic change exist and we need to do something with the residual things that we have in our houses, like trash that we can recycle or give it “another life”, like re-use it. But the problem is that if we want recycle some plastic bottles, we need to send it to an special dump for recycling, but what happens if that dump isn’t close to your home or if you don’t have any place to recycling it? We need more recycling dumps to stop the climatic change and more people dedicated to recycling.

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I think that tattoos doesn’t have anything bad, I have two tattoos and I think that if you have tattoos they shouldn’t influence in our job interviews, because tattoos don’t change people, if you have a tattoo you aren’t a thief or a gangsman, I think that if you have

Resultado de imagen para child labor
Child labor is bad. Every child needs to have a worthy childhood; I don’t know why parents make their child work, they are the parents, they need to work, no their child, child doesn’t have the maturity to resolve problems and they are in danger every moment that they’re working, they doesn’t know what kind of people is outside. I’m against children’s work.

Resultado de imagen para stray dogsI think that we don’t need to kill stray dogs to prevent things, I think that we need to educate people to have pet responsibly, not only dogs are in streets, there are stray cats too and it have and important impact in ecosystems. I think that the real problem is people that have a pet and they don’t take care of the pet, they throw the pet to streets or trash dumps and they don’t care about what would happens to the pet. We need to change that thinking way of pets, they are our friends, not trash.

lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2018

Blog 7: My favorite food

Today I’m going to talk about my favorite food.

I think that I don’t have a favorite food, I mean I eat almost everything except things like bowels (animals) or some seaweed, but I think that I’ve eaten many things throughout my life, so that’s why I think that I can’t decide about a favorite food plate.

But now I have to decide, so I choose chickpeas plate.
I like so much chickpeas because my grandmother used to prepare me when I was young (when I was like 5 or 6 years old, I don't know very well), and when I eat chickpeas plate I remember her house, the smells of the kitchen, the crockery noise when she was washing it, these things I remember.
I think that chickpeas plate is my favorite food.

Well, the last time I eat chickpeas plate was the last week, my mother prepare it because my sister couldn’t eat solid things (she’s using braces), so I eat chickpeas and I think that I eat all the cooking pot, miraculously I didn’t get sick and I enjoyed it.

For me, when I eat legumes plate I only eat it in my home, because I went to a restaurant (I don’t know when, I think it was 4 or 3 years ago) and there I asked for chickpeas plate, and when I taste it, it was tasteless and I couldn’t eat it. Since that moment, everything that is cooked legume plate, I eat in my house.

And yes, I know how to prepare chickpeas plate; I like to prepare with chili and it taste good for me.

So chickpeas plate is my favorite food.

Resultado de imagen para garbanzos

lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2018

Blog 6: Postgraduate studies

Well, I’m not sure right now if I want to do an postgraduate study, but I think if I do an postgraduate study, it would be an magister in food mention management, quality and safety food, I think I really like one of the subject called microbiology, hygiene and food safety, and I think it would be a good postgraduate course for me, because I want to continue my studies. And I would like to develop in applied microbiology, or in engineering food in food processing.

I don’t know too much about postgraduate courses abroad, I think that in Spain exist postgraduate courses focused in fats and soils, so I think that I’m interested in the program of Universidad de Chile, that have the subject I would like to study, but if this magister exist abroad, I think I would like to do abroad, obviously if I know the language of the country and thing like that.

Well, I think that I would like to take classes like distance learning, online, things like that, but I think that I can’t work like that right now, and I thing that it would be the same for me, so I think I would like to go to classes I would like to go to a classroom in college, I work better in a classroom because I’m les distracted.

So that's what I want to do in future.

lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2018

Blog 5: My future job

Ok, so this blog it’s about my future job.

Well, I don’t know so well about my future as food engineer, but I see myself like a scientist in a lab, so I think I would like to be indoor; but I like outdoor jobs too, like work in a farm or something like that, have my own orchard and produce my own food. I see myself doing these two things, being a scientist in a lab and working outdoor too, I can’t decide.

Resultado de imagen para ingenieria en alimentos

I would like to travel a lot, because I like to travel and get to know new places and countries, and I would like to meet other food engineers and scientist to learn about their jobs and about the future of the food in that site.

Well, about the salary I don’t know so much, I mean I know an average about it and it is like from one million to one million two hundred (in Chilean pesos), these income are at the fourth year of graduation and it's all I know at the moment.

Well, I’m studying food engineering. So much people say that my future it’s in the kitchen or I’m going to be like a nutritionist or something like that, but that’s because people don't know this career. So I think that informs people about this career its part of my future job too.

So, this is what I would like to do in my future job.

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2018

Blog 4: Things you hate and like about university, career.

So, today I’m going to talk about things that I hate and like about university, career.

First, I studied in another university after this (Universidad de Chile), just one an half semester, and I didn’t finish the career, but I have had a good experience of that university.

I studied Industrial Design in UTEM (Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana) and there I think that I was happy. I liked everything, the food there was good and I remember that everyone helped each other in their homework or models. But I left because I missed science in my life, and other things influenced my decision to leave that career and university.

Resultado de imagen para Utem facultad de humanidades y tecnologias de la comunicacion Resultado de imagen para Utem facultad de humanidades y tecnologias de la comunicacion

So, here we are.

I like so much my current career. I think that was a good decision change from industrial design to food engineering, and I think that I can’t say bad things of my career.

Now, about university, I think that I would like to make some changes here.
For example, the diner we share with odontology. Food is bad, I remember that one day I bought a lunch and the dessert was sopaipilla pasada, but the sopaipilla was half green and that was so disgusting that I try to not eat there. I don’t know why sopaipilla was green.

And things I like, well, I like the spacious that faculty is, because in UTEM, the faculty I studied was too small and we didn’t have green spacious, here we have trees, an orchard and now they fixed the jogging track.

Resultado de imagen para uchile facultad ciencias quimicas fotos Resultado de imagen para uchile facultad ciencias quimicas fotos

So, that’s what I think about our university. There are more things, but now this is what I want to say.

lunes, 29 de octubre de 2018

Blog 3: TV shows or movies.

So, this time this blog is about TV shows or movies.

I think I’m going to talk about a movie, because I’m watching 2 or 3 series at the same time, so I’m going to talk about Split.

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Split was released in 16th of March in 2017 in Chile, but it was released at 20th of January in 2017 in EEUU.
The genre of this movie is physchological terror and thriller, so I like this movie because I like too much thriller movies.

Split it’s about three girls, Claire, Marcia and Casey who are kidnapped by “Dennis” who is one of 23 personalities of Kevin Wendell Crumb, a men who was diagnosed dissociative identity disorder by the doctor Karen Fletcher, who is him psychologist.

Split cast was formed by James McAvoy as Kevin Wendell, Haley Lu Richardson as Claire, Jessica Sula as Marcia, Anya Taylor-Joy as Casey, and Betty Buckley as doctor Karen Fletcher.

I don’t remember when I watch this movie; I think that in October last year, because I didn’t know that the movie was released in March last year.

I think that it’s totally worth watch this movie, especially if you like thriller movies as me.

Blog 9: Changes that could be made to my study programme

Well, today we’re going to talk about what I would like to change in my programme. I think that my program it’s ok, but I think that I...